Ya’ll, I’m so darn excited. So excited in fact that I’m getting a little ahead of myself.
I originally intended to write a post about my latest obsession – bullet journals. What they are, what to use them for, how to set one up, what you can keep track of, etc. etc.
But then I finished my latest collection (in bujo speak – a collection on a specific topic), and all of that went out the window.
Maybe some other time. Maybe not.
I went down a rabbit hole of exploring and learning as much as I could about my birth chart. I know what you are thinking…a what chart?
Let me back up. If you remember, last year I visited with a medium for my Grandma’s birthday. My spirit guides told the medium that I am strongly affected by astrology and that I need to start paying attention to it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Kind of seemed a little hooky at the time.
Yet…almost a year later…I came across birth charts on Pinterest and that little tid bit popped in my mind.
And I thought, what the heck.
If I was going to start paying attention to astrology, then it seemed like a good place to start was with my birth chart. What’s a birth chart you ask? Basically, this chart maps out where the sun, moon, and all the planets were at the time of your birth. The chart is divided into 12 houses, as well as the 12 zodiacs.
The idea is that the placement of the stars and planets at your birth can affect your personality, relationships, interests, and dislikes. I get it. Seems kind of far fetched.
But then I thought…what do I have to lose? And if I was going to go through all the trouble of learning about my chart, I thought that my bullet journal would be the perfect place to keep all this information.
When most of us think of astrology, we refer to our “sun” sign, or the placement of the sun at the time of our birth. Your sun sign represents who you are. For example, my “sun” sign is Aquarius. Aquarians are thought to be independent, innovators, humanitarians, intellectual, and analytical.
Your birth chart though can give you a ton of other insight beyond just your sun sign.
The planets in a birth chart symbolizes the energy that is operating, the zodiac sign related to the placement of each planet shows you how that energy operates, and the houses related to each placement show where they operate.
Let’s take the moon. The “moon” sign is tied to your emotional self. My “moon” sign is placed in the Zodiac Aries. This signals the need for instant gratification. Lunar Ariens are ruled by their own emotional needs (and usually less concerned with others’ needs) and are also direct in facing problems.
The moon was also in “house 2” at my time of birth. House 2 is responsible for material security and values, rules money and personal finances, sense of self-worth, basic values, and personal possessions. People with their moon in house 2 tend to be generous and frivolous with their spending habits one day and frugal the next, may hold on to people tightly, often look for admiration, and tend to hold back and wait before expressing oneself.
If to make things more complicated, astrologers also look at the interplay between the planets in a chart, or “aspects.” There are five aspects – the conjunction, the sextile, the square, the trine, and the opposition. Some of these are considered “positive” aspects, while others are considered “negative” aspects.
One “positive” aspect in my chart is a sun sextile neptune aspect. This aspect indicates an unmistakable dreamy, inspired, and sensitive side, favoring artists, musicians, and writers. Individuals with this aspect are also highly sensitive to their environment and have the potential to be psychic, or at least very intuitive.
So, what do I think now that I went through my entire chart?
Honestly? I must say, a lot of things started to make sense. For example, “knowledge” and “intellectual” popped up time and time again in my chart. From repeatedly referencing that I’m a knowledge seeker to my partner needing to actively keep my mind engaged and entertained.
Just ask my sister how accurate this is.
I’m constantly accused of asking too many darn questions. Trying to learn something as we are in the car, at dinner, etc.
My chart also kept referencing how I can be standoffish, detached, and unemotional.
I mean, have you met me?!.
It’s a running joke with my friends on how “unemotional” I am.
A few things surprised me though…like how I am artistically and musically inclined and how I’m very intuitive with psychic and occult abilities.
Artistic? Maybe. Musically inclined? Most definitely not.
I can’t even carry a tune.
Psychic? Not that I’m aware of. I mean, my mom originally didn’t even make me an appointment with the medium because “she knows that I don’t believe in that sort of thing.”
Given this info though, I definitely want to start paying attention to my intuition and see what happens.
And if nothing else, I found the entire exercise interesting as a way to learn more about myself. (See that knowledge thing popping up again?)
If you are interested in learning more about your birth chart, I’d recommend checking out www.cafeastrology.com and www.astrologyking.com. Both of these were fantastic resources in trying to learn more. Cafe astrology will generate your birth chart for free, all you need is your birth time, date, and place of birth! I also pinned quite a few resources on my Pinterest account under “Astrology.”
Have you ever explored your birth chart? If so, what are some resources I need to check out?
The most important part of your birth chart is the ascendant. Many astrologers may argue this, but I have found it makes a huge difference in the chart’s interpretation. So essentially, you aren’t an Aquarius sun sign. You’re an Aquarius sun with Aquarius rising. That changes how you interpret your moon sign, mercury sign, etc. The ascendant rules the chart, its essentially the facade that others see every day. Its like the conductor of an orchestra. The nadir, the cusp of the 4th house is who you are when you’re alone, but that is also changed by the ascendant. ?
Melissa – Thank you so much for your comment and for the info! Yes, from what I was reading, it seems like the ascendant plays in an important role. I also found it interesting that my sun and rising sun are the same (as it seems like this is not always the case). I’d love to hear of any resources that you’ve found that you love for this sort of thing! Alissa