With the temps in the 90s, and the humidity close to 100%, we’ve most definitely reached summer. It’s about that time where I stop doing my hair. I mean, why bother when I’ll look like a troll doll within moments of leaving the house?
While the heat and humidity may be the worst part of summer, one of the best parts clearly has to be summer vacations! Every year I look forward to packing my bags and getting out of town for a bit, and, today, I’m going to share the 5 reasons why you should too!
We Need to Unplug Every Once in Awhile.
Nowadays, we are constantly plugged in, and, depending on your profession, you may be expected to constantly check emails (even outside of working hours – the nerve!). Vacations force us to unplug (and typically force our bosses and co-workers to leave us alone). It gives us a chance to put our phones down, to stop checking our emails, and to focus on living in the moment.
I often find it takes a few days before I can truly stop thinking about work before I start relaxing. I also start getting the dreaded anxiety towards the end of vacation. For these reasons, I’d recommend taking more than a long weekend if you have the ability.
Vacations Improve Your Health.
Vacations typically allow us to get more sleep, relax, and recharge. All of these things are necessary to survive the day-to-day stress that most of us endure. We also tend to be more active on vacation with all of the walking, swimming, or other vacay activities. All of these things are good for your health!
Travel For New Experiences.
There are a ton of well known quotes about traveling, most of which are somehow tied to the experiences gained while traveling. Traveling, seeing new things, and experiencing new cultures, all make us better humans and citizens. You have more empathy for others when you can experience their way of life and gain first-hand knowledge of their struggles and blessings. In today’s world, I consider this a win-win for everyone!
Increase Your Creativity and Productivity
Relaxing is said to get the creative juices flowing. Getting out of the office may help you become more innovative at work. At the very least, getting out of the office will help you be more productive when you return since you’ll be relaxed and recharged.
You Only Live Once
This should be the most important reason for packing your bags and getting out of town – you never know what tomorrow will bring. You may not always be able to travel, so stop putting it off to “someday.” Have a dream vacation? Start planning it now. Just need a break? Book a last minute vacation. Stop making excuses. Your boss, co-workers, family, other responsibilities can wait! Your life may depend on it!
What are some reasons why you take vacations each year?
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