Ya’ll, I’m so darn excited. So excited in fact that I’m getting a little ahead of myself.
I originally intended to write a post about my latest obsession – bullet journals. What they are, what to use them for, how to set one up, what you can keep track of, etc. etc.
But then I finished my latest collection (in bujo speak – a collection on a specific topic), and all of that went out the window.
Maybe some other time. Maybe not.
I went down a rabbit hole of exploring and learning as much as I could about my birth chart. I know what you are thinking…a what chart?
Let me back up. If you remember, last year I visited with a medium for my Grandma’s birthday. My spirit guides told the medium that I am strongly affected by astrology and that I need to start paying attention to it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Kind of seemed a little hooky at the time.
Yet…almost a year later…I came across birth charts on Pinterest and that little tid bit popped in my mind.
And I thought, what the heck.